The (surprising) truth about the silent treatment & why it hurts so much
The silent treatment (/being ghosted) can bring up deep feelings of abandonment that stir up your deepest-primal human need to connect. The thing is, the person giving out the silent treatment is likely
A.) emotionally immature themselves,
B.) unable to properly understand and express their own emotions, and
C.) using it as a cheap-quick-and-easy way to control the situation.
They usually don't see it as harmful…
Giving the silent treatment is about THEM (the person doing the ignoring) & their inability to cope. It has nothing to do with YOU. Though, yes, it does feel very personal.
My goal is to help you learn how to navigate this situation with grace and help you work through the intense feeling of anxiety that neglect -- or the silent treatment, brings up.
(1) To start, you must set up the foundation and build a lifestyle that fosters resilience-- I teach you how to do this in the Anxiety-Free Method! (click through this hyperlink to learn more).
(2) Identify your specific root cause (might be a trauma response, maybe a people-pleasing tendency, or difficulties with boundaries, to name a few...)
(3) Address the root cause using the step-by-step method specific to your unique triggers and situation. It is all in one place in my online course, Anxiety-FREE Method.
If you would like to learn more about the Anxiety-FREE Method, I invite you to watch this FREE informational training I created to help you understand how to apply these principles to your own life. You can watch the training using this link here. I launch this course every month! By joining the waitlist and watching this masterclass will receive access to exclusive discounts & bonus offerings (my top-selling workshops).
(4) if you feel stuck and want some more guidance applying these principles to your own life, consider watching this free masterclass I created this program specifically with you in mind. My goal is to help you piece everything together and live a life free from anxiety. Believe it or not, anxiety is 100% treatable.
In this masterclass you will learn:
✔ Anxiety 101: Why therapy and medication don’t always work for anxiety (and what you should be doing instead!)
✔ My 3-Step method to overcome anxiety holistically, (without having a traditional support system, medication, or therapy. note: it has nothing to do with "self-discipline".
✔ Introduction to the Anxiety-Free Method Online Course.
✔ How to live in a way where anxiety no longer dominates your life and decisions (so you can flourish & fulfill your potential!)