I talk about the importance of mindset with my clients all the time. I think of it as setting the stage and creating the right environment before you dive into the journey of overcoming anxiety.
So what does ‘mindset’ even mean? This word is vague and often overused. When I discuss mindset, I want to be clear we are both on the same page about its meaning and implications.
The MINDSET I need you to cultivate before your healing journey is one of openness and willingness to change. It is engaging in new thoughts, challenge yourself, letting a new idea sink it, sitting with DISCOMFORT, and knowing that you will be okay. You have to prepare every fiber in your being to accept change. It is the openness to the idea “I can change” and relinquishing power over the HOW. I can’t tell you how many times I used to not even try because I could not see the path forward. The MINDSET I am talking about pushes past this unease and takes one baby step forward each day, not knowing exactly what the next is going to bring.
See, this is where the magic happens: when you stop avoiding, denying, and resisting your inner state and accept your anxiety as part of the human experience. Accepting your present state of panic // anxiety providing you with that much-needed space to open and commit to change. You can’t change if you’re not willing to come to terms with where you are starting. In summary, this is what mindset is all about…
Creating space in your mind
Being willing to change
Accepting negative intrusive thoughts
Moving forward, despite not having the entire road paved out
Committing to a new direction, even if you are not sure of how it will all work out
That is it for today! Sending you all my love!!
XOX Dr. Jenn